Technologies & Processes

Key to the succes for any company are well-established business and production processes. Here at Ansata Web Group we pay high attention to continuously develop, standartize and enhance every segment of our production routines and customer relationships, so we could guarantee the same high quality results for every project we are working on. Besides standartization of our operations we are highly concerned about the set of technologies, we’re using, and pay lots of attention to research and provide valuable expertise that guarantees successfull evolution of the project in terms of technology.


Every project in our company is being runned through strictly predefined stages. Each stage is controlled by a separate highly qualified expert and a project manager. Take a look at schema below to get better understanding of the process:

  • Running Project - Scheme 1

 And here how it looks for our client:

  • Running Project - Scheme 2

The process is designed with simplicity and reliability in mind and allows our clients to control every important aspect of their projects.


Selection of the proper technology is very important for projects success and turnaround. As mentioned above we are constantly researching and widening the stack of the technologies and practices we’re using every day. While new technologies appear every day not so many of them are acceptable in a long run and wrong one may lead to the variety of serious problems, so it is very essintial to select only proven ones. Here is the list of technologies we’re currently using:


While PHP is often referenced as programming language for noob web-developers, it became serious and powerful tool a long time ago. Powered by proper frameworks and web-servers it allows to build reliable, scalable enterprise level applications which perform really well. Companies such as Facebook, Magento, Yahoo, Zynga and many others use PHP every day for their operation. Not to mention that it is most popular programming language ont the planet with the  constantly growing community.


Symfony is the next-generation PHP framework that can be compared to Python DJango and Ruby on Rails.While providing the same development infrastructure it still uses PHP, which is much more popular then other languages and thus dramatically reduces development costs.


Java is a programming language proven through the years in the Enterprise and Corporate development segment. Companies like Google, Amazon, Twitter are using Java to build systems that can handle million of clients, besides lots of corporate software already built with Java and often requires it to be extended and integrated with other tools.


HTML5 is a new open standard that is emerging internet world today. Supported by giants like Apple, Microsoft and Google it penetrates the market in a lightningly fast manner. In conjunstion with CSS3 and JavaScript it provides powerful tools for creating rich internet content and already became a choice of many tech companies.


While HTML+JS is a powerful technology, creating applications with complex behavior has been a pain for a long time. Luckily jQuery improved situation and compensated numerous platform weaknesses. Introduced by John Resig in 2006 this tiny JS library introduced totally new way of working with interactive web pages and became industry standard.

Adobe Flash

Adobe Flash was the only solution for creating rich internet content during long time. While HTM5 is promised to replace flash player in the browsers it is still far behind Flash Platform in terms of it’s capabilities and speed of the development. ActionScript in conjunction with Flex framewrok can do miracles where  JS+HTML5 are helpless. Moreover flash days are far from their end as there are companies who are working to introduce the power of the ActionScript and Flex framework beyond the limits of flash player in native browser environment . Not to mention that Flex is the only existing solution which can provide unified and convenient way of developing interfaces for Enterprise-level solutions.